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microcms #

microCMS sdk for v

microCMS sdk for v language.


Installation and Import

Using vpm

Install / Update module:

v install zztkm.microcms


import zztkm.microcms

Directly from GitHub

v install --git


TODO: 使い方をがんばって記載する


Until the following bugs are fixed, please be careful with structure definitions during create and update. Zero values are also included in Body.


Content API

Management API

fn new #

fn new(service_domain string, api_key string) Client

new returns a new microcms client.

fn (Client) content #

fn (c Client) content<T>(p GetContentParams) ?T

content is a method to retrieve a single content.
The retrieved content is stored in the type parameter T and returned.

fn (Client) content_list #

fn (c Client) content_list<T>(p GetContentListParams) ?T

content_list is a method to retrieve a content list.
The retrieved content is stored in the type parameter T and returned.

fn (Client) content_list_str #

fn (c Client) content_list_str(p GetContentListParams) ?string

content_list is a method to retrieve a content list.
If you want to decode your own, use this one.

fn (Client) content_meta_list #

fn (c Client) content_meta_list<T>(p ListParams) ?T

fn (Client) content_str #

fn (c Client) content_str(p GetContentParams) ?string

content_str is a method to retrieve a single content.
If you want to decode your own, use this one.

fn (Client) create_content #

fn (c Client) create_content<T>(p CreateParams, data T) ?CreateResponse

create_content is a method to create content.
It sends an http request with data as the body.

fn (Client) delete_content #

fn (c Client) delete_content(p DeleteParams) ?

delete_content is a method to delete content.

fn (Client) update_content #

fn (c Client) update_content<T>(p UpdateParams, data T) ?UpdateResponse

update_content is a method to update content.
It sends an http request with data as the body.

struct CreateParams #

struct CreateParams {
pub mut:
	endpoint   string
	content_id string
	status     string

CreateParams holds information for creating content.
Note: It does not hold the content itself.

struct CreateResponse #

struct CreateResponse {
	id string

CreateResponse holds the response body of a successful microCMS content creation.

struct DeleteParams #

struct DeleteParams {
pub mut:
	endpoint   string
	content_id string

DeleteParams holds information for deleting content.

struct GetContentListParams #

struct GetContentListParams {
pub mut:
	endpoint           string
	draft_key          string
	limit              int
	offset             int
	orders             []string
	q                  string
	fields             []string
	ids                []string
	filters            string
	depth              int
	rich_editor_format string

GetContentListParams holds information for retrieve the content list.

struct GetContentParams #

struct GetContentParams {
pub mut:
	endpoint           string
	content_id         string
	draft_key          string
	fields             []string
	depth              int
	rich_editor_format string

GetContentParams holds information for retrieve a single content.

struct UpdateParams #

struct UpdateParams {
pub mut:
	endpoint   string
	content_id string

UpdateParams holds information for updating content.
Note: It does not hold the content itself.

struct UpdateResponse #

struct UpdateResponse {
	id string

UpdateResponse holds the response body of a successful microCMS content update.