microcms #
microCMS sdk for v
microCMS sdk for v language.
repo: https://github.com/zztkm/microcms-v-sdk
Installation and Import
Using vpm
Install / Update module:
v install zztkm.microcms
import zztkm.microcms
Directly from GitHub
v install --git https://github.com/zztkm/microcms-v-sdk
TODO: 使い方をがんばって記載する
Until the following bugs are fixed, please be careful with structure definitions during create and update. Zero values are also included in Body.
for strings causes compilation error
Content API
- GET /api/v1/{endpoint}
- GET /api/v1/{endpoint}/{content_id}
- POST /api/v1/{endpoint}
- PUT /api/v1/{endpoint}/{content_id}
- PATCH /api/v1/{endpoint}/{content_id}
- DELETE /api/v1/{endpoint}/{content_id}
Management API
fn new #
fn new(service_domain string, api_key string) Client
new returns a new microcms client.
fn (Client) content #
fn (c Client) content<T>(p GetContentParams) ?T
content is a method to retrieve a single content.
The retrieved content is stored in the type parameter T and returned.
fn (Client) content_list #
fn (c Client) content_list<T>(p GetContentListParams) ?T
content_list is a method to retrieve a content list.
The retrieved content is stored in the type parameter T and returned.
fn (Client) content_list_str #
fn (c Client) content_list_str(p GetContentListParams) ?string
content_list is a method to retrieve a content list.
If you want to decode your own, use this one.
fn (Client) content_meta_list #
fn (c Client) content_meta_list<T>(p ListParams) ?T
fn (Client) content_str #
fn (c Client) content_str(p GetContentParams) ?string
content_str is a method to retrieve a single content.
If you want to decode your own, use this one.
fn (Client) create_content #
fn (c Client) create_content<T>(p CreateParams, data T) ?CreateResponse
create_content is a method to create content.
It sends an http request with data as the body.
fn (Client) delete_content #
fn (c Client) delete_content(p DeleteParams) ?
delete_content is a method to delete content.
fn (Client) update_content #
fn (c Client) update_content<T>(p UpdateParams, data T) ?UpdateResponse
update_content is a method to update content.
It sends an http request with data as the body.
struct CreateParams #
struct CreateParams {
pub mut:
endpoint string
content_id string
status string
CreateParams holds information for creating content.
Note: It does not hold the content itself.
struct CreateResponse #
struct CreateResponse {
id string
CreateResponse holds the response body of a successful microCMS content creation.
struct DeleteParams #
struct DeleteParams {
pub mut:
endpoint string
content_id string
DeleteParams holds information for deleting content.
struct GetContentListParams #
struct GetContentListParams {
pub mut:
endpoint string
draft_key string
limit int
offset int
orders []string
q string
fields []string
ids []string
filters string
depth int
rich_editor_format string
GetContentListParams holds information for retrieve the content list.
struct GetContentParams #
struct GetContentParams {
pub mut:
endpoint string
content_id string
draft_key string
fields []string
depth int
rich_editor_format string
GetContentParams holds information for retrieve a single content.
struct UpdateParams #
struct UpdateParams {
pub mut:
endpoint string
content_id string
UpdateParams holds information for updating content.
Note: It does not hold the content itself.
struct UpdateResponse #
struct UpdateResponse {
id string
UpdateResponse holds the response body of a successful microCMS content update.